Wednesday, August 25, 2010

24-25 Aug 2010 - Raining at the Alice

Well it is raining so we have had to put on hold our plans to further explore the McDonnell Ranges which is a bit of a shame as it is very beautiful. Yesterday we had lunch in the Mall and to fill in the afternoon I decided to cook a casserole (Beef Guinness and Colcannon) and some date muffins. The locals we spoke to did not seem too enthusiastic about the rain either which is a surprise as I thought they would be overjoyed. Alice Springs is the venue for the National Road Transport Hall of Fame 15th Anniversary Celebration at the moment so there are many old trucks arriving in town....the procession on Sunday should be very interesting so hope the weather improves. Max has gone to take a photo of water creeping down the Todd River. We went for a drive through the West McDonnell Ranges but will have to return to walk into the gorges along the way.

1 comment:

  1. Hope todays weather cleared since talking this morning so as you could do some exploring of the area. The casserole and muffins certainly sound very gourmeish Faysee, regular little chef hey. Cromack and Tranter trucks bring back memories of the Grafton days, looks like an oldie on the trailer ready for the big celebrations. Take care. Luv Judy
